Rules & Regulations


Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA)

All performances using music from shows in current production are subject to copyright law.

Songs from shows in current production may be sung as a concert item, i.e. with no costume or movement without need for copyright permission.

Where movement or costume is included in a performance, copyright permission is required, and the Festival Committee accepts these entries on the basis that the appropriate copyright permission has been sought.

Performers or Teachers with queries on how to obtain copyright permission for performance items should contact Festivals House on 01625 428297 before making their entries.

Music Publishers Association Code of Practice

When an Own Choice work is selected from a publication containing several different works, and which is not published separately, one copy may be made for the use of an Adjudicator at a Competition or Festival, provided that the competitor or participant has already purchased his/her own copy, and that the copy made is retained and destroyed by the Administrator of the Competition or Festival immediately after the event. This permission specifically does not apply to set works.

Speech and Drama

We are no longer able to provide any photocopies of Poetry or Prose.

The Festival Committee accepts no responsibility for any infringement of copyright.

Annual Award Scheme


To provide financial assistance to individuals in the furtherance of their personal development within their chosen discipline of the Arts.


To qualify for consideration, applicants must have competed in the Workington Musical festival immediately preceding their application. Applications can come from any of the disciplines represented at the Workington Festival, i.e. Dance or Music and Verse.

Consideration for an Award is open to ALL Competitors in the Workington Musical Festivals irrespective of the discipline in which they entered the Festivals or the results they achieved.

The Awards

The Award(s) is/are made on an annual basis and will be granted by the end of June each year. The granting of an Award does not preclude applicants from applying in subsequent years.

The Awards may be used to provide financial support in connection with developmental activities such as: schools, college Entry Auditions, Tuition Fees, Travelling Expenses. The Awards will be granted only in connection with activities, in the United Kingdom, with which the applicant has a direct and personal involvement.

Awards made towards the cost of tuition fees etc. will be paid directly to the Provider of the service.

The Awards would not be granted for the purchase of theatre tickets or the costs of going to see a professional performance in which the applicant was going as a member of the audience.

The Awards are not available for activities directly related to seeking or undertaking work in the Arts from which an income will be forthcoming. This would include such activities as Stage auditions.

The performance of the applicant at the Festival will NOT be taken into account when considering their application for an Award.

Unless payment of the Award has been made directly to the provider, the Award will be paid upon production of formal written confirmation of attendance/travel.

The decision of the Awards Committee is final as to suitability and amount.

The Awards Committee

The Awards Committee (which is a sub-Committee of the main Festival Committee) will be made up of the Chairman of the Festival, the Vice-Chairman of the Festival and the Treasurer of the Festival plus two other Members of the Festival Committee appointed at the Festival’s AGM in July each year.

Please note that the following rules and regulations are now in effect, and will be enforced.

These are to ensure the efficient and safe operation of the Festival.

Rules pertaining to the entry process
  1. All entries must be made to the Music & Verse Entries Secretary, Mrs Barbara Sloan, via email with payment via Bacs, before 16th September 2024.
  2. No entry will be accepted unless made on the official entry form, and accompanied by the entrance fee.
    • 2a. Competitors’ cards will not be issued in the events of non-payment.
  3. Immediately after the entry is closed, the committee will decide the order in which the classes will be taken, and ballot for the order of competing within each class.
  4. If the entry for any class be considered insufficient, the committee reserves the right to delete or merge the class.
  5. The committee reserves the right to refuse an entry.
Rules governing the operation of the festival
  1. Trophies will be withheld if, in the opinion of the judges, insufficient merit is shown. No trophy will be awarded unless a mark of 80 has been achieved.
  2. Each choir, team and individual competitor will be supplied with particulars as to the approximate time at which the competition will take place.
    • 7A. Where children’s choirs are performing: adult voices must not be heard.
  3. Competitors not answering their names when called upon will forfeit their right to compete in that particular class, subject to a right of appeal to the executive committee, who may, if they think fit, and opportunity can be found, allow the appeal.
  4. Competitors will be accommodated free on the stage during their particular class only.
  5. In competitions where there are two or more tests, no choir will be allowed to make an alteration in its individual members. All the test pieces in any one class must be sung by the same individuals.
  6. Performers in instrumental solo classes (other than piano) may enter the same class more than once, if playing different instruments.
  7. Songs from the shows and Disney songs are to be only sung in the designated class for solo singers.
    • 12A. Disney songs are not to be sung in Songs from the Shows classes.
  8. An official accompanist. Will be available on request prior to the festival if desired, competitors may bring their own accompanist.
  9. Where the services of the official accompanist is required, music must be forwarded a minimum of 1 month prior to the Festival.
  10. All enquiries, representations, complaints or protests must be made direct to the Secretary, or through one of the honorary stewards of the Festival. Should any competitor, during any session, communicate with the Adjudicator, or enter the committee room, such competitor is liable to disqualification.
  11. The Adjudicator’s decision in all cases shall be final.
  12. Preliminary competitions may be held in any class, and additional adjudicators appointed and other halls used, if the committee deem it advisable.
  13. In all vocal classes, the new philharmonic pitch (c 522 at 68f) shall be used.
  14. In all children’s classes where an age limit is stipulated, each competitor must be within the age limit specified at the commencement of the festival. Birth certificates may be asked for.
General regulations
  1. Arrangements will be made in due course for handing the trophies to the winners or their representatives, who will first be required to enter into a bond for safe custody and return.
  2. Trophies must be returned by 24th October each year to the main office, Carnegie Arts Centre, Finkle st. Workington.
  3. All communications must be addressed to the Secretary.
    No reply will be sent unless a stamped addressed envelope is enclosed.
  4. The decision of the executive committee in all questions or disputes arising out of or not provided for by these regulations shall be final.
  5. Where competitors are selected to appear in a final, no marks will be given in the final.
  6. In all cases where the test piece is ‘own choice’, entrants are requested to provide the title on the entry form. This information is required in order to insert the titles in the programme.
  7. Rotary Club of Workington Young Musician of the Year
    Will be held in accordance with guidance set out by the Rotary Young Musician competition.
  8. The festival will be undertaken under body of persons approval (BOPA).
Specific notes
  • Name, Address and Date of Birth of all competitors u17yrs of age MUST be forwarded with Entries.
  • Individual Entries: ALL PARENTS must provide confirmation their child is fit to perform at the Festival – this information can be advised on arrival to Festival Personnel Situated on the signing in Table situated in the Theatre Foyer at the start of each session.
  • Schools & Private Teachers must ensure all performers not attending any session are identified to Festival Personnel.

Please note:
All music classes are own choice; competitors must supply one authentic copy of the music for the adjudicator. If the official accompanist is required, a further copy must be sent to the secretary at least one month before the Festival. If this is not done, the official accompanist will not be available.
CDs are not permitted as an accompaniment except where identified.
Where two ‘own choice’ pieces are called for in a class, the pieces must be contrasting.

Speech and drama “own choice” items:
Competitors intending to use copyright works in these classes must obtain permission from the owner of the performing rights before taking part in the competitions.


Honours: 90 Marks and above
First Class: 84 Marks and above

In all children’s classes, each competitor obtaining 84 marks or over will be awarded a certificate. A winner’s certificate only will be awarded when the winning mark is below 84.

In adult classes, only one certificate will be awarded in each class, provided that the competitor gains 84 marks or over.
Signed adjudicator’s remarks may be obtained after the adjudication of each class, free of charge.

  • 90+ Outstanding
    An exceptional performance technically and artistically.
  • 87-89 Distinction
    An excellent performance technically and artistically.
  • 84-86 Commended
    A convincing performance technically and artistically.
  • 81-83 Merit
    A capable performance showing some artistic appreciation and/or technical ability.
  • 78-80 Moderate
    A performance showing development of technique and/or communication
  • 75-77 Fair
    A performance limited in its communication.